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The number one goal for the campaign is to educate our younger demographic about what is going on in psychedelic drug research. They might be detached from the research in higher-level fields, so this is an attempt to keep students and youth that are proportionally affected more severely by these mental disorders informed on possible treatments and breakthroughs.


In educating our audience about the possible breakthroughs and successes in new psychedelic treatments, the goal is that they will become motivated to advocate for these treatments -- share our posts, develop their own research, contact their representatives. In a grassroots way, we hope to change public opinion in younger generations about psychedelics and their effects.


In the long term, the campaign hopes to increase public support to change the classifications of psychedelic drugs proven to help mental disorders from Schedule I, II, and III drugs to legal for medical use and prescription purchase. As of now, it is even difficult for researchers to get their hands on Schedule I drugs to adequately measure the effects they have. Therefore, changing policy would not only allow more research to be done, but allow many patients with treatment-resistant mental disorders to receive positive treatment. 

Goals: Clients
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